Following his Bachelor's degree, he would like to graduate as Master of Science in Geography. He is pursuing the Bachelor of Arts degree, 2-subject programme. Through fostering an environment where students possess the available resources to be fully supported in their work, I feel I am equipped with the skillset needed to undertake quality research and be proud of the work I am producing.Philipp Rasch is a third-year student of Geography. I can truly say my professors made the transition from in-person to online learning much smoother than I had expected. Through utilizing live Zoom troubleshooting sessions, live chat sessions, and online office hours, professors provided a multi-faceted approach to student support during the difficult times of attending school through the pandemic. However, the support I received from my professors during lab-based courses ensured all my needs were being met. Given the scary prospect of fully online learning upon entering my second year in 2020, I was worried my courses would lack the hands-on, experiential learning setting I most succeed in. In the GA program, students do not have to choose between their wants and needs. Leadership within your academic career is accessible to all GA students who wish to embark upon a journey of professional development through extra-curriculars.

As an individual who thrives in leadership settings, I am grateful to have been introduced to our Students’ Association of Geographic Analysis (SAGA) course union through networking and social events with industry professionals during my first year in the program. Whether it is hands-on, technical lab-based courses, or extra-curricular events, professional growth and support go far beyond the classroom. Upon transferring into Geographic Analysis in 2019, I was amazed to discover the opportunities and supports available for students to see them thrive. I feel that I am a part of more than just a learning environment, I am a member of a close-knit community. Joining the Geographic Analysis program has been one of the best decisions I have made in my academic career so far.